
One Beachin' Family

This past weekend, we decided to get away and drive to the beach. I just love those little spur of the moment adventures. They don't happen very often, so I think that's why I like them so much! Liala had a great time. At first, she would not get off the blanket for fear of the sand on her feet. But after a little coaxing I got her to go into the water! She was a little frustrated because the waves would come, and then they would disappear. She didn't quite understand that part of the beach experience! She enjoyed playing with her sandtoys and running around on the boardwalk. We loved just listening to the ocean and watching Liala play around!

A quick update on our job search....Ryan had another interview today and was offered a full time position with ownership possibilites. That is 4 for 4!!! What an amazing guy, right?! Too bad he's mine! If any of you need help with interviewing skills, he's the one to call. So needless to say, we are still praying about which one is the right one for our family.

Other than that, life is pretty much the same. Liala turned 15 months this month, and we can't wait for her time to come for Nursery!! Aunt Brenda, watch out!!!


Job interviews....piece of cake!!

Ryan successfully landed the 3 jobs he was interviewing for! Who can say they've done that before?! We are so incredibly proud of him! Now we have the tough decision of choosing which one is the right one for our family. We want to try for another baby in the next few months, but we want to get settled in with his new job first; wherever that might take us! We think we've come to a decision, and we'll let you know all about it later.

Liala is still growing and changing everyday. She had a great 4th of July, and she enjoyed the fireworks. Today, we went with some friends of ours to a local Farm Museum where they had farm animals (not real ones!)and a little grocery store with things for the kids to play with. They even had snacks and a storytime for us. She and Lily had a lot of fun!