
'Tis the Season to be Thankful...

I haven't posted since the beginning of November, so I'm kind of behind. We had a great Thanksgiving at Philips Steak House where we had lots of yummy seafood to eat. The best part was we didn't have to slave away in our kitchens and worry about the clean-up afterwards! That's my idea of a thanksgiving meal! And it was nice to have Jenn and Wade here to celebrate with us!

December has been a fly-by month. It seems like it just started, and I looked at the calendar today to notice that it is already the 16th of the month! I guess I'm a little behind on everything these days. A few years ago, I was bragging that I had all my Christmas shopping done by October. I guess having kids really does change EVERYTHING!

We are very excited to spend Liala's second Christmas at home this year. We spent last Saturday driving to a tree farm where we planned on cutting down our own tree. But when we got there, the walk seemed too bleak; and to tag along a 20 month old just seemed silly. So we bought one off of their front lot, and placed it on the car. I say "we", but I mean Ryan!! When we got it home, it barely fit in the living room!! Who knew the trees were that big. They certainly don't look that big on the lot. So we spent our Sunday afternoon decorating the tree with the help of Liala. If you can call it help.

So now, like some of you, we are doing last minute shopping in preparation for Christmas. I'm even late sending out our Christmas Cards. Ahggggg. Maybe you'll get one next year instead! We hope you all have a great Holiday Season. God Bless.