
The Princess and the GIANT

Dax had his four month check-up this week and he weighed in at 16 lbs 1 oz! He measures 25 1/2 inches long, and his head circumference is 17 inches. He is in the 75th percentile for all three! In comparison to Liala at his age, he is a GIANT!

There was a couple in the waiting room of the pediatricians office who were asking me about Dax and how old he is. They were amazed that he is only 4 months old and were making comments about how large his hands are and I think they called him "an adorable brute"! He is a happy, healthy boy and we are so happy that he's ours!

We took Princess Liala to see a local high school play this past weekend. It was so much fun because she got to dress up and even meet Cinderella at the end. We waited in the crazy line and when it was finally our turn, she froze. I think she was super tired from having missed her nap that day. And she was coming off of a sugar high as well. But I think she and Sienna enjoyed it!

That same weekend, we happened upon a Cinderella dress at the Disney store and we bought it for Liala. She wakes up every morning, and the first thing she does is put on her dress, gloves, and princess shoes! So adorable. These are some pictures to show you how adorable it is! I just wish it was glitter free. I am finding glitter in the fat rolls on Dax's legs!!


Christmas Day and the Princess Kitchen

All Liala wanted for Christmas this year was the Princess Piano Vanity that she saw one day during a commercial break. We, being new at playing Santa Clause, waited until the week of Christmas to purchase the vanity. To our surprise, it was SOLD OUT. HUH?! What other kid in the world wants a bright pink princess piano vanity?

Apparently, every other 2-5 year old girl in the nation did! Ryan spent many early mornings waiting in the parking lot of Toys R' Us to be the first one in the doors checking to see if they had a shipment come in the night before. Ryan even checked in West Virginia while he was on a business trip to see if they had the dumb thing. NADA, nothing, zero. So we ended up getting Liala a BRIGHT PINK Princess Kitchen instead! And she loved it! She even called Santa on her pretend phone on Christmas Day and said, "thank you Santa for my beautiful princess kitchen." How sweet!

The one thing about getting to Toys R' Us early is you get your pick of popular toys that DO come in on shipments. The ZuZu pet she got was a hit! Liala really enjoyed the little hampster she named "Hammy". We really enjoyed watching Liala enjoy Christmas this year. We even stuck to our new tradition and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jesus and ate some cupcakes in his honor. Christmas just isn't the same unless you have kids to watch. The joy on their faces makes the day perfect. It was a great holiday! Can't wait for next year when Dax will be crawling around getting into everything!

Just some pictures of Dax over the past few months. He is getting so big and he is a very happy, smily baby! Don't let the pictures fool you though- he is not a very good sleeper. At least since he got the swine flu. We've had trouble getting him back on a regular routine. At least he's not a cranky baby though. I will count my blessings. We just love having him in our family!

Just a few pictures from the beginning of December. We are big on traditions and have tried to implement a few good ones with Liala around the holidays. As you can see, we did the gingerbread house and Liala spent most of the time just eating the frosting. We never really got a good picture of the finished product. We also tried reading "The Night Before Christmas" book everynight before bedtime. We also got Liala her own Little People Nativity so she can have one that is not "off limits"! She really enjoyed setting Baby Jesus in the manger with Mary and Jospeph. We also took time to just relax during the month and we tried not to make it so hectic- so we could really help Liala understand the true meaning of the season! More pictures to come!