
Emergency Room Regulars

Instead of spending our early morning hours sweetly snoring away, we were in the Emergency Room- AGAIN. We woke up with Dax around 1 am and his fever was 104. The pediatrician sent up straight to the ER for follow up. While there, Dax was tested again for the Swine Flu. He also had to have a cathedar to take a urine sample to test for a Urinary Tract Infection. While we waited for the results from the tests, he was given another breathing treatment to open up his airways. The ER doctor said he has "baby bronchitis" and then she returned with the diagnosis...... SWINE FLU.
We thought we were so good about keeping germs away. Seriously. We have been hibernating for the past 8 weeks! Sadly, we can't prevent everything. So we had to cancel Liala's surgery because the anesthesiologist does not feel comfortable doing surgery when her recovery would be in a home with the virus. So it has been rescheduled for later in the month. Agghhh. Have I mentioned that I HATE WINTER TIME?!! When will summer be here again. I need it to come quickly.


Rough Weekend

What a weekend! After taking Dax to the doctor for the 2nd time this week, our pediatrician sent us to the Emergency Room to have a chest Xray, some blood work, and the swineflu test done. It broke our hearts to hear that she thought he needed to be seen in the ER. We thought he just had a little cold like everyone else has had.

To our surprise, Dax has been put on nebulizer treatments to clear out his bronchial passageways and to help his cough become more productive. It is so sad to see a 2 month old being zapped by radiation for a chest xray. :( It is hard to be a parent sometimes!

We go in for a follow up tomorrow for both kids. Dax will be seen for his cough and fever. And Liala will be seen to make certain she is okay to be put under anesthesia on Tuesday for her surgery. We pray that she okay so that we can FINALLY get the ear tubes put in and get the ear infections under control. I now know what people mean when they say "without your health you have nothing". These are just minor things, but it sure has been a busy November full of doctor visits, tissues, sneezes, and coughs. We will be glad when everyone is better!


"Mommy hurt my arm"

I feel like a horrible mother. Yesterday we had to take Liala into the ER because I had picked her up by the arm/wrist and the leg to move her into another room because she was throwing a fit. After a while, I noticed she was still crying and she was clutching her arm to her chest. So we decided to take her in to have her looked at because everytime she let go of her arm, she would cry and she acted like it was very painful.
So the whole way to the hospital, I am bawling my eyes out and apologizing over and over to Liala for hurting her arm. She asked me a few times during the car ride "Mommy, why did you hurt my arm?" Talk about heart breaking! I was so mad at myself for being so careless and I could not believe what I had done. And for her to ask me why I had done what I had- made me feel even worse. I take the prize for crappy mother of the year award for this one!!
Luckily, the ER Doctor we had was a very nice man and he fixed her right up. I had dislocated her elbow and he just popped it back in and gave Liala a red popsicle to make her feel all better. It did the trick!!
So this is a warning to all you moms out there- always, always, always pick them up under their armpits. Never by their wrists or their arms. Lesson learned. The hard way unfortunately. :(
As for an update on Dax.... the little man is growing like a weed. I swear her is already weighing in at 13 lbs or so. We go to the Dr. soon for his 2 month check up. I can't believe he's already almost 2 months old. He is smiling, cooing, and is a fairly happy baby. Last night he did a 6 hour sleeping stretch!! I think we're on our way to a full 8 hours in the next few weeks!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!
And Liala will go in for surgery on the 2nd of December to have ear tubes put in and have her adnoids taken out. If anyone has experienced this already with their kids, let us know your thoughts on the matter. We are kind of nervous about the whole thing because it is surgery and she has to be put under anesthesia. We'll update on that later!