
Some Cocaine Eye Drops and Horner's Syndrome

When the Dr referenced the cocaine drops I had to ask her if she was serious. She assured me they were safe and would not be getting into his bloodstream. They are just a quick way to get eyes to dialate more deeply than the regular dialation they had done. So we worked out with the pharmacy how and when to get them to our DR office since we are dealing with COCAINE! Kye was scheduled to have the test done on Tuesday, August 28th. It all sounds like not a big deal, right? Well yes, to some degree. But when she told us that if he does have Horner's Syndrome then they will be looking for a tumor of some kind to be the root cause of the syndrome. He'd be required to have an MRI of his brain, neck, head, torso, and abdomen to look for a TUMOR. Every. Mom's. Nightmare. Life can change in the blink of an eye. And it has for us. You start to think differently when your child could be facing something as big as a tumor. It changes your outlook on the littlest things. Your focus shifts from the outside world and all its distractions to the most important things like family, prayer, and the meaningful relationships you hold dear to your heart. So we researched Horner's and then decided not to bogg our minds with all the stuff that could or could not be true. We just waited. Then the visit came with Dr. Chaudri and we met the cocaine drops face to face. She did 3 sets of drops looking for both of his eyes to dialate the same size. They didn't. The test confirmed what she had suspected- he has Horner's Syndrome. Now the question is what's the cause. Could it be just his genetic make-up? Or something more daunting? We've held family fasts, prayed our hearts out, and turned our pleas over to God. Now we wait. His first MRI is scheduled for the morning of September 12th. Until then, we continue to battle his ear infections. Just today he had his 6 month immunizations and they put him on his 3rd round of antiobiotics because the other 2 kinds have not worked. And we have a referal to see an ENT at the end of the month for possible tubes. Poor baby Kye. I'm learning that the saying "when it rains, it pours" is a crappy but real part of life. I just keep telling myself to count my blessings because we don't have any bad news to deal with today. What we do have is a beautiful, happy, smiling baby boy who is itching to crawl around and slobber on everything in his path! It's the little things in life that matter most :) Please keep Kye in your prayers. An update to come when we know more.....


Kelsie said...

Jamie, I had no idea this was going on. I hope your cute little boy is okay. We will keep him in our prayers. We love you... Have fun with your mom and Mikall this week

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