
One down, one to go

On Wednesday, September 12th, we went to Fairfax Hospital with Kye for the first of two MRI's. It was really sad to see his eyes roll back into his head when they put the gas mask on his face. And then having to walk out of the room and wait; it seemed like time stood still. After an hour and fourty-five minutes the anesthesiologist came to our little waiting area to get us and we walked with her and the stretcher holding Kye into the recovery room. He was still asleep and it took around 5 minutes for him to roll over and start crying. I was expecting him to be out of control upset but once he found his thumb and my shoulder he calmed down a bit. It wasn't until I was able to feed him that he seemed to relax. After a visit with the recovery nurses' boss to explain why they were doing 2 MRI's on 2 different days, we were able to leave with a copy on CD of the images. The time from leaving the hospital to when I was able to actually speak to the doctor the following day was slow and draining. We tried to keep positive and focus on other things but it's always in the back of your mind- does our baby possibly have a brain tumor? If so, what's in store for our family over the next several months? Around lunchtime on Thursday after I got the boys down for naps I was able to call the Opthomologist, Dr. Kern, on her cell phone and luckily, I caught up with her. She told me that his brain scan was normal!!! YEAH!! And she said the report showed a few enlarged lymphnodes that she would let the Pediatrician's office look at and determine if they were of any concern. Dr. Kern seemed very upbeat about there not being anything on the first MRI. She told me that in her career she's had 4 cases of children testing positive on the cocaine test and all four had neuroblastoma's (tumors) of some kind. But all 4 cases are doing well and survived. So we aren't out of the woods just yet; we are so thankful there's nothing in his brain or his neck. My thoughts are now turned to Tuesday's scan and the news that will come on Wednesday. We just keep praying for a positive outcome and we've turned it over to the Lord. An update to come next week.

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